3 Frye Coin (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Charlie Frye and Tango Magic

3 Frye Coin (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Charlie Frye and Tango Magic
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104,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage 2-4 Werktage
Art.Nr.: 2306

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The "3 Frye Coin" is a terrific variation of the legendary Chris Kenner 3 Fly coin, now performed by Charlie Frye with 3 different coins, actually 2 coins, one cooper and one silver and a Poker chip. The gimmicked coin set, is another creation of Marcelo Insua, Mister Tango, who don't stop to launch new and better solutions for the coin magicians.

3 Frye Coin, includes the instructions to perform 3 different routines by Charlie Frye.

Tango Magic has always been a high-end, exceLlence synonym when it comes to Coin magic. We know every detail counts and makes a world of difFerence for you and your audience. Our love and dedication to work with coins have led us to the masterpiece we believe the end result is. This passion and commitment to our art led us, by the hand of Mr. Tango, to win the FISM 2012 International invention award. This reinforced our beliefs and mission along with our quality standards day after day in order for you to get the highest quality available on your hands!

In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic. As a bonus to thank you for your purchase, Tango has included in this package Tangopedia, a seven-hour instructional online videopedia. This includes basic instructions for more than 100 gimmick coin routines using a variety of our specialty coins such as expanded shell-coins, copper/silver/brass, scotch and soda, pen through coin, folding coins, Okito boxes, and more. Here you will learn the basics of using your new Tango Magic products as well as gaining insight into the amazing of possibilities the Tango line of coins provides.

Sie erhalten das Münzset von Tango Magic und einen Link zu einem einglischsprachigen Online-Video. Achtung! Sie benötigen eine Internetverbindung, um das Online-Video anzusehen.

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3 Frye Coin (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Charlie Frye and Tango Magic

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