Timeless Deluxe - Sales Points
- Very easy to do
- Modern looking, slimline watch
- No angle restrictions or lighting requirements
- Nothing to palm, hide or ditch
- Force any time
- Quick reset
The performer brings up the topic of implanting ideas in someone's head. To demonstrate, the mentalist removes their watch and has a participant select a time by twisting the knob to move the hands around at random. The chosen time is remembered and the performer's watch is held between the participant's hands. The performer's head is genuinely turned away the entire time. Still, the performer can now discern the chosen time. Here's where it gets crazy: to prove that the time and the watch itself was an implanted idea, the mentalist asks the participant to look at the watch again. There are now NO HANDS AT ALL ON THE WATCH. The hands...are just gone.
Predicting a chosen time is one of the strongest, impromptu-seeming effects one can do; it plays in a theatre full of people or impromptu at a table among friends. What "Timeless Deluxe" offers is an ending nobody will ever forget: the vanishing of the hands of a watch.
Included in the package is the watch itself--an attractive time piece you'll be proud to wear. You also receive a special gimmick that accomplishes the method AND makes everything examinable at the end. The full video instruction and additional ideas are included in the package.
NOTE: the watch does not keep time and cannot replace a normal watch.
"Timeless Deluxe" is available in two styles: Midnight Black (black band with white watch face), and Patriot (red and blue striped).
Sie erhalten das Gimmick in Patriot (rot uns blaue Streifen) und einen Link zu einem einglischsprachigen Online-Video. Achtung! Sie benötigen eine Internetverbindung, um das Online-Video anzusehen.
Video ansehen!