
Zeige 61 bis 120 (von insgesamt 333 Artikeln)
D (Autographed) by Howard Hamburg

These notes are closer to book than standard lecture notes!! These are all SIGNED by Mr. Hamburg.

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 981
21,00 EUR
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Dancing Cane
Der Tanzende Stock von "Mr. Jupiter" ist einer der leichtesten seiner Art! Er ist ca. 85 cm lang, nur 20 Gramm schwer und kann seinem Publikum aus 2-3 Meter Entfernung vorgeführt werden.
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 643
28,00 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Daryls 3 FLY III from Fooler Doolers

Mit hochgekrempelten Ärmeln lässt der Magier 3, mit den Fingerspitzen gehaltene, Münzen von einer Hand zur Anderen wandern.
Es handelt sich hierbei um Daryls professionelle Handhabung des Fingertips Coins Across Effekts.

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 163
21,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Das Geheimnis des Glücks von Christian Knudsen

Es erwarten den Leser mehr als 25 Präsentationen zur geschichtenerzählenden Zauberkunst plus einem Dutzend Essays und einer Fülle von Anekdoten und Ideen zum Weiterspinnen. Routinen für den Close Up-, Salon- und Bühnenbereich, vom Klassiker, den jeder bereits zu Hause liegen hat, bis zum seltenen Schatz, der gehoben werden will.

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 40125
48,00 EUR
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Daumenspitze von Vernet - Thumb Tip Classic (Soft)

Es handelt sich hierbei um eine Daumenspitze in bekannter Vernet-Qualität. Diese Ausführung ist einfach zu verbergen und optimal um kleinere Gegenstände (z.B. 20er Seidentuch) verschwinden oder erscheinen zu lassen.

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 2107
3,20 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Deja Vu by Dan Sperry
Within the pages of this book acclaimed bird manipulator Dan Sperry shares his secrets for success return flight training of doves. Utilizing return flight birds into your act can be a guaranteed way to give your audience a further sense of amazement and shows that you have a dedication and love for your animals.
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 875
14,95 EUR
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Del Ray Book (With DVD)

Del Ray was considered the most innovative magician of the 20th century. Secretly intermingling technologies with traditional trickery, he performed miracles of magic that were unlike those of any other magician...

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 40053
66,00 EUR
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Deluxe Metal Blindfold Trick by Dave Powell

The Deluxe Metal Blindfold is the perfect addition to any magic or mental act. The blindfold appears to be perfectly normal when closely examined, however, when worn correctly, you can still see out of it! This makes it possible to accomplish some unbelievable mind-reading effects! The blindfold is made entirely of metal with an elastic head-band to fit anyone. Comes with complete routine.

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1545
27,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Detection Bag (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Leo Smetsers

Leo Smetsers has created a beautiful, close-up version of a classic Maurice Fogel effect. Totally ideal for any close-up situation. In addition, this will play equally as amazing on stage! Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 2272
39,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Die Z-Fold Wallet von Jerry OConnell und PropDog
The Z-Fold Wallet by Jerry O'Connell is handmade of the highest quality leather. There are loads of possible routines and uses for The Z-Fold Wallet. For a brief overview of its amazing capabilities, please see the video above... Video ansehen!
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 2314
36,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Die Paul-Potassy-Show
Paul Potassy hat mit seiner Art der Zauberei beinahe eine eigenständige Sparte der Zauberkunst kreiert, die man als „internationale Sprechzauberei“ bezeichnen könnte. Die Kombination von perfekter Tricktechnik und ausgefeilten Routinen im Zusammenspiel mit seiner beeindruckenden „Personality“ haben ihn zu einer Ausnahmeerscheinung in der Welt der Unterhaltungskunst werden lassen...
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 40221
36,00 EUR
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD - Table Hopping Cups And Balls by Carl Andrews

After working restaurants for over 20 years, Carl discovered that 3 cups are just one too many. A single cup isn't interesting enough, but two cups is just right... Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 754
33,00 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD 100% Commercial Vol.1 - Comedy Stand Up by Andrew Normansell

In den letzten 20 Jahren verdiente Andrew Normansell seinen Lebensunterhalt, indem er seine Zauberkunst vor einigen der angesehensten Unternehmen sowohl in Großbritannien als auch im Ausland vorführte. Er ist zudem fester Bestandteil des britischen Comedy Club Circuit, einem der anspruchvollsten Schauplätze für jeden Zauberkünstler. Zum ersten Mal gibt Andrew nun einige seiner wohl behütetsten Geheimnisse preis sowie die Routinen und visuellen Gags aus seinem Repertoire, mit deren Hilfe er seine Zuschauer immer wieder für sich gewinnen konnte.

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 511
38,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Addict by Edo

The Ultimate Can Penetration! Addict is a revolutionary coin thru can penetration. A borrowed coin penetrates in an absolutely impossible manner a sealed can. The spectator can open the can and the coin is found to be trapped behind the opening. You learn effects with coins, a key and two amazing effects with empty cans. This new principle enables you to make small objects appear in a sealed can. Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1682
24,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Bending Minds - Bending Metal (Vol.1-3) by Guy Bavli

Not since Uri Geller has Israel produced such a dynamic performer! Guy Bavli is Israel's hottest magician, specializing in Mentalism and Metal Bending. Guy is a full- time professional, constantly performing on television both in the United States and abroad. Guy is also a three-time winner of the Israeli Gold Cup Award for "Best Magician."

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1953
80,00 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Bullseye by Brent Braun
So there you are hanging out in a pool hall or a pub, when someone wants to see something amazing. Never the type to disappoint, you have them select and sign a card. Then they shuffle it back into the deck. With no idea where the card is, casually you walk over to the dart board, with the shuffled deck in one hand and a dart in the other. The cards are tossed into the air. The dart is thrown through the cards were it sticks into the dart board, with a little something special... their signed card! Video ansehen!
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1715
33,00 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Captured by Justin Miller
With additional thoughts by MUSA... Video ansehen!
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1692
33,00 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Card On Ceiling (Worlds Greatest Magic)

Stellen Sie sich vor: Einer der besten Zaubertricks, die besten Zauberkünstler und die besten Produzenten auf einer DVD verewigt. Lernen Sie die Geheimnisse und Finessen der „Karte an die Decke“ - ein Klassiker der Kartenzauberei, den Ihre Zuschauer niemals mehr vergessen werden... Video 1 ansehen! Video 2 ansehen! 

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1353
14,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Coin Balloonacy by Ian Garrison

This classic effect is a hybrid of two classic tricks combined with some extremely clever misdirection. A marked borrowed coin is placed on the surface of a balloon, & visibly pushed thru the side of the balloon. The coin circles while inside in an elliptical manner the comes to rest inside. The balloon is popped & the marked coin is returned to its owner... Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1285
21,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Comedy Magic of Rich Marotta Vol.1-3

At long last the secrets of creating Comedy and Magic are revealed! Rich Marotta is a Comedy Club Headliner with over 20 years of experience and 2000 performances in over 200 venues. Rich imparts all of his professional tips and information to assist you in adding comedy to your magic.

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1948
80,00 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Dragon Thread Wong (with thread)
Remove a 15" length of string, tear it into several small pieces and place them on a spectator's palm. Now gather the broken pieces, roll them into a ball, and proceed to unravel the fully restored string! Read that again. It sounds impossible. It looks impossible! It is impossible. But you do it and repeat it immediately - anytime, anywhere, under any conditions!
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1983
33,00 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Gypsy Balloon by Tony Clark
The classic Gypsy Thread has been elevated to new heights! Video ansehen!
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 2305
21,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Hands Off (ACAAN) by Patrick Redford

Using his original effect Auspicious Coincidence as a jumping off point (Mendacity, 2005), Redford has taken his Any Card at Any Number to a whole new level. Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1139
29,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Hang Em High (ROPE THROUGH BODY) by Bob Sheets

Not only do you get the incredible Rope Thru Body and all of it's jokes and handling. You also get performance tips and routines for Insomnia, the Idiot's Rope Trick, and a Killer Cards Across routine! Hey, you'll have a whole act just from this DVD....Hang 'Em High!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 2020
27,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD iKnow by Jason Palter
A spectator is invited to listen to as many songs as they'd like from your favorite playlist (a folder that contains a compilation of 60-70 songs) on your iPod or MP3 player. They are all different. The spectator is asked to scroll through and randomly stop at any song in the playlist, while the iPod is out of site-behind their back or under the table. They are now encouraged to remove the headphones and sing the tune in their mind. Video ansehen!
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 734
22,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD INNOCENT by Secret of Magic

In this 6th DVD from Secret of Magic, we introduce new styles of coin magic, including 7 Routines and 22 coin techniques. These unique and visual techniques will help push your performance several steps further! Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1478
36,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Luke Jermay LIVE! by Luke Jermay & Marchand de Trucs

For several years Luke Jermay has been very influential in the world of modern magic and mentalism. His books have been applauded by critics and the effects he has published are now part of the repertoire of many professional mentalists worldwide. Luke Jermay was a consultant and designer for many magicians and mentalists on television such as Criss Angel and Derren Brown. Discover the work of Luke Jermay in real conditions with this double DVDwhich was made ??on the occasion of his coming conference in Paris in November 2013... Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1466
39,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Make Your Spring Puppets Alive

How many of you have a "Rocky Racoon" spring animal sitting in a drawer somewhere feeling neglected? Like many people, you've probably seen Rocky featured on television, enticing audiences into non-stop laughter. Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1710
16,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Making Magic Vol.2 by Martin Lewis
Each Martin Lewis DVD features six strong, audience tested, stand up effects plucked from his own Cabaret act. Martin shows you, in a step-by-step hands on guide, how to make the “props” on your kitchen table quickly and easily with only basic tools and materials and needing no special skills. Then, in live performance, see how the apparatus is used to really make magic.
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1791
33,00 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Mastering/Pickpocketing Byrd & Coats

Diese DVD erklärt zum ersten Mal die wahren Geheimnisse der Straßen-Taschendiebe und wie man sie zu Unterhaltungszwecken anwenden kann. Der Kriminologe James Coats und der Illusionist Nicholas Byrd erklären Ihnen persönlich die streng gehüteten Geheimnisse der Ablenkung und die Techniken zum Diebstahl von Gürtel, Krawatte, Geldbörse, Uhr und vielen weiteren Gegenständen.

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1271
26,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Modern Marvel Vol. 1 by Mel Mellers & RSVP

Join your host Mel Mellers and his crew as they travel the length and breadth of the UK to bring you seven brand new routines on this superb new DVD set. Over a year in the making, you'll watch Mel perform in various live shows and then explain everything that you need to know in the studio. Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1897
34,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Modern Marvel Vol. 2 by Mel Mellers & RSVP

Join your host Mel Mellers and his crew as they travel the length and width of the UK to bring you seven brand new routines on this superb new DVD set. Over a year in the making, you'll watch Mel perform in various live shows and then explain everything that you need to know in the studio. Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1898
34,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD MXL Margarita XL by Sean Scott
No fumbling or awkward movements, just the smoothest and most elegant production of the largest glass your audience has ever seen! Glasses much larger than pictured may be used. An instant reputation maker. Perfect for restaurants, strolling & nightclubs. Perform in a t-shirt if desired. Uniquely different from any other glass production. Video ansehen!
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1613
34,50 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD My Silly Tricks by Hector Mancha

Hector Mancha caused a sensation when he won the FISM Grand Prix, magic's highest honor. My Silly Tricks is his first and only commercial release. This wacky DVD teaches ten hilarious and eccentric effects from the personal repertoire. Each of the effects is visual in nature, and most of them are within the range of the beginner. Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1453
32,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Origami Effect by Andrew Mayne

Verwandeln Sie blitzschnell ein Stück Papier in genau das Origami Tier, an dass ein Zuschauer nur denkt. Verwandeln Sie einen entliehenen Geldschein in einen Schmetterling. Zerreißen Sie eine Zeitung, um daraus einen Origami-Hasen erscheinen zu lassen. Andrew Mayne’s „The Origami Effect“ ist starke, visuelle Zauberkunst, die Ihren Gedanken im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes Form verleih. Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1168
21,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Rush by Nicolas Lepage (PAL-ONLY)

This DVD will let you discover the fascinating world of cigarette magic. You will learn apparitions, dispparitions, transformations, some modern manipulations for impromptu and visual magic and more! Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 671
33,00 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Senor Mardo Egg Bag von Martin Lewis

In dieser DVD erklärt Martin Lewis seine Vorliebe für den Senor Mardo Egg Bag und verschiedene Verwendungsmöglichkeiten für dieses großartige Zauberkunststück...

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1507
21,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Steel & Silver by Paul Gertner Vol.1
If you know magic, you know Paul Gertner. And you also know his best-selling book-Steel and Silver. These are his most admired routines, the routines that have won Paul every major award in the magic world. On this series of DVD's, Paul performs and shares the methods behind his most guarded secrets and brings the book to life, performing his incredible magic in a hospitality suite situation.
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1130
36,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Steel & Silver by Paul Gertner Vol.3
If you know magic, you know Paul Gertner. And you also know his best-selling book-Steel and Silver. These are his most admired routines, the routines that have won Paul every major award in the magic world. On this series of DVD's, Paul performs and shares the methods behind his most guarded secrets and brings the book to life, performing his incredible magic in a hospitality suite situation.
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1132
36,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Sucker Punch by Thom Peterson

Magic that will knock the wind out of your audience! 9 Great Sneak Attacks To Daze And Amaze!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1468
32,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD The Gypsy Thread by Gary Ouellet

Learn the real work behind one of the most popular tricks of all time - and one of the few close-up effects that is often used by grand illusionists in their full evening shows. The Gypsy Thread is just as perfectly suited to a close-up show, television appearance or full illusion show.

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1982
33,00 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD The Magic Square by Luis de Matos

A professional Magic Square routine from the repertoire of Luis de Matos. Members of the audience call out numbers at random. Unbelievably, from these the performer is able to construct a perfect magic square. All the columns, rows, diagonals and corners add up to the same number. Not only that but this number was chosen by a spectator just a few moments earlier. No formulas. No memory work. An incredible mind boggling routine for the professional worker. Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1273
33,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Trickster Presents Collision (DVD and Gimmick) by Tom Wright

The Ultimate Airborne Card Stab! COLLISION is the ultimate ending to your favourite card routine. Have a card selected and the corner torn, or have the card signed. You can even use their very own business card. It's folded up and mixed with others. Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1454
112,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Twist and Turns by Mel Mellers and RSVP Magic

Sit back relax and enjoy a unique magical experience. Welcome to the world of Mel Mellers, where he discusses bad music, awkward audience members, Daviddaports Magic Shop, fashion mistakes and 8 Brand New Routines! Video ansehen!


Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1232
31,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Uprising by Richard Sanders

This project represents 15 years of research, thought, experimentation and practice into one of the greatest card effects for the modern conjuror. Building on the work of Fred Robinson, Eric Mason, Ken Krenzel and Richard Kaufman, Richard Sanders has redefined the classic rising card effect and transformed it into a true anytime, anywhere miracle with a deck of cards... Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 2151
21,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Word In Million by Nicholas Einhorn and JB Magic
ANY book is casually flicked through by your spectator and ANY page is stopped at. ANY word is looked at and remembered, the book is snapped shut. While you turn away the thought of word is written down on any a piece of paper or a napkin etc, the paper is rolled up into a ball. WITHOUT ANY questions, guidance etc you name out loud the word they are mearly thinking of. The paper is un-rolled it says the word you NAMED. Video ansehen!
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1555
21,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
DVD Worlds Funniest Mouthcoil Routine by Robert Baxt
IT'S MOUTHCOIL MADNESS! Robert Baxt, a F.I.S.M. winner for Comedy, releases his world famous handling of one of his all time greatest routines. A piece of comedy he's spent 30 years perfecting: The mouthcoil! On this DVD you will find all you need to know to do one of the funniest comedy magic routines ever seen...Video ansehen!
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1134
27,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Echo by Wayne Dobson

Echo is an alternative version of 'Teach A Card Trick'. Echo has been used extensively on theatre and TV shows. Echo is ten minutes of commercial and very funny magic. Echo is 100% self working and instantly resets. The booklet is the complete script and routine.

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 40109
18,95 EUR
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
edding® 3000 permanent marker (schwarz)

Strichbreite: ca. 1,5 - 3 mm. Permanentmarker mit Rundspitze:
Wisch- und wasserfeste, geruchsarme, schnelltrocknende Tusche.

Zum Beschriften, Bemalen, Markieren von fast allen Materialien, auch Metall, Glas, Kunststoff.
Eignet sich perfekt für das Kunststück "Was Wäre Wenn" von Chester Sass.

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1157
2,50 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Electric Deck (52 Bridge Karten) von Mr. Magic
Erwecken Sie den Anschein, ein professioneller Kartenmischer von Weltklasse zu sein! Dieses spezielle Kartenspiel sieht aus, als sei es nicht manipuliert worden, aber es erweckt den Anschein, dass Sie die Kartenkunst absolut beherrschen. Ihr Publikum wird denken, Sie hätten diese unglaublichen Tricks jahrelang geübt! SEHR einfach vorzuführen!
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 2368
9,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Emotional Mentalism Vol 2 by Luca Volpe and Titanas Magic

After the worldwide success of "Emotional Mentalism", Luca Volpe is back with the second volume which contains brand new routines for the serious mentalist and psychic entertainer. All of the routines have been tested hundreds of times, on people from all around the world, in his private and public performances. Each routine includes a full script...

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 40113
69,95 EUR
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Encyclopedia Of Thumb Tip Magic by Gary Darwin

Diese unglaubliche, neue DVD-Box beinhaltet Dutzende origineller und unerwarteter Effekte. Dazu erhalten Sie eine Handvoll Effekte, mit denen Sie sogar die erfahrensten Magier hinters Licht führen können. Wenn Sie dachten, dass Sie mit einer Daumenspitze lediglich Taschentücher verschwinden lassen können, machen Sie sich bereit, sich wie die Kakerlake zu fühlen, die Darwin am Abendbrottisch wiederauferstehen lässt (DVD 1). Das ist die ULTIMATIVE Arbeit mit dem ULTIMATIVEN HILFSMITTEL.

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1862
59,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Entertaining on Cruise Ships by Paul Romhany

This 270 page book is also packed full of photographs and stories from Paul's career as one of the most sought after cruise ship magicians, giving you a true insight in to the real world of this type of work. The book is also interlaced with stories and advice from other veteran cruise line entertainers and valuable lessons they have learned.

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 961
29,95 EUR
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Epiphanies by Colin McLeod

For the last two years, Colin McLeod has been off the radar. He's been working hard behind the scenes on his real world performances, both for TV and stages around the world. What you'll learn in this book is the material he's been refining during that time. These are the real methods, concepts and ideas that he uses to stand out from the crowd. He's taken classics of Mentalism and literally flipped them on their head. You're guaranteed to be reading minds and predicting events in ways you'll have never dreamt of before...

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 40141
84,95 EUR
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
ESP Karten rot (Bicycle Rider Back)

Dieses ist ein Deck mit ESP-Karten im Pokerformat. Sie sind auf Spielkarten mit Bicycle Rider Rückseite gedruckt.
Das Deck besteht aus 55 Karten, welche die fünf ESP-Symbole darstellen: Kreis, Stern, Wellen, Quadrat, Kreuz... Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 20091
11,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Expert Cigarette Magic Made Easy (Vol.1-3) by Tom Mullica

Cigarette Magic for the non-smoker, and plenty for those that do! In most of our collective lifetimes there has only been one man, and one act, who over and over again fooled the bejeesus out of magicians and laymen alike: Of course, I am talking about Tom Mullica and his cigarette-eating act. Tom's act is so magical and so unique, it has never been duplicated... Video ansehen! Video ansehen! Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1489
74,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Extreme (Human Body Stunts) 4-DVD Set by Luis De Matos

12 Human Body Stunts performed and taught by Luis De Matos. The Essential Magic Collection, a new series of instructional DVDs featuring the best in professional magic. The first release is Luis de Matos's EXTREME: Human Body Stunts for Professionals. A four DVD set, containing twelve different stunts as used by Luis de Matos in his stage, corporate and television work... Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1437
184,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Fate? by Rick Maue
Imagine this: Five audience members are brought forward--one joins the performer at the center of the performing area, and the other four position themselves in the four corners of the stage (where there are four laminated targets to mark the spots). Six small squares of aluminum foil are introduced-wrapped inside each one is either a blue poker chip or a red poker chip.
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 503
41,00 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Final Destination (DVD & Gimmicks) by Matthew Wright

For years I had stayed away from coin magic. It never really struck a cord with me....especially 3 fly routines. It's funny looking at it now as my 3fly routine has played a major role in helping me win The Magic Circle Close-up Magician of the Year, The IBM (British Ring) Close-up Magician of the Year, The Macmillan International Close-up magician of the Year along with my two FISM awards... Video ansehen!

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1283
249,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Finger Tip Set by Vernet

Vernet Finger Tips are an exact copy of human fingers, so they defy detection. They are manufactured in an exclusive, semi-flexible and unbreakable material. His particular colour and lack of brightness have been attained after years of practice and knowledge.

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Werktage2-4 Werktage
Artikelnummer: 1672
15,50 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Zeige 61 bis 120 (von insgesamt 333 Artikeln)